You can add useful new features to Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Illustrator, InDesign, Flash Professional, and some other Adobe tools for creative professionals with extensions available on the Adobe Exchange marketplace. You can even do that while working on your current project in one of these apps as we reported in Get the Adobe Exchange Panel for your CS6 Apps.
Some of the most useful extensions on Adobe Exchange are for free. Here are some of the most popular.
Adobe Emailer for Photoshop
Adobe Emailer by Russell Brown allows you to shoot an email containing an image directly from within Photoshop CS6. Here is how it looks:
Adobe Watermark: Batch Process Watermarks in Photoshop
Adobe Watermark, another useful extension by Russell Brown, takes the hassle out of watermarking images in Photoshop. See this panel in action:

Time Tracker: Create Timesheets on Autopilot for More Accurate Billing
TimeTracker is a virtually automated solution to help you track, clean up and submit how you spend your time. Do less work… and be more productive, promise the developers. TimeTracker will alert you before you go over your allotted time budget. TimeTracker requires no training and can integrate with your existing financial systems. Your time sheets are adjustable, so you loose none of your flexibility.

The addon does require an account with CreativeWorx, however. Prices range from $0 for up to 5 projects to $29 for unlimited projects, per month.
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