Are you concerned about the security and authenticity of the websites you are visiting? Probably yes, though it may not be your top priority: getting the job done is. What if we told you that browser makers are doubling their efforts to convince web professionals to rethink their priorities: browsers like Chrome are flat-out refusing to serve websites unless they are delivered via HTTPS (an encrypted, more secure version of HTTP, the Hypertext Transfer Protocol).
Google Chrome and Firefox, for example, will bluntly deny you access to Google’s In-Page Analytics data and visualization for a website if they deem it not “private’ enough for lack of HTTPS, not to mention that Google and Bing may be penalizing sites that don’t use encryption in search engine ranking. Web creatives can no longer afford to ignore the security aspect of web publishing.
The Google Analytics plug-in for your browser may or may not resolve the In-Page Analytics error. Rest assured, the plug-in will not make up for the loss of SEO karma points due to lack of HTTPS.
So how exactly would you go about fixing your site?